The ISTE Standards are the criteria followed throughout the Educational Technology Specialist program at SUNY Potsdam. Click the photo above to view the standards.
Program Evaluation
In this course, we made use of systematic models to evaluate the effectiveness of any component of a program. This evaluation proposal consisted of a needs assessment, organizational analysis, goal identification, collection and analysis of data, and evaluation of how effective the program is. In this class, I worked with a group of four students to complete a proposal to evaluate the Technology Program at Brushton-Moira Central School. We took the department's goals and objectives, and organized them in a way that will be effective with the data that would be collected.
We created survey material, a proposed budget, and rationale for the evaluation. The final culminating experience was a brief presentation to the class. To view the paper click the photo to the right.
Program Evaluation was a productive and informative class. The progrma we evaluated was the technology program that I teach in so to me, it was valid and worht the while to evalutate. This gave us an idea of what actucally goes into just a proposal to evaluate a program.
Click the image to the right to view the Evaluation
ISTE Standards 2C, 4A, 4C, 6C
Technology in Education
In this class, I created an individual technology integration plan for the Brushton-Moira Central Schools, technology computer lab. This was an individual project where I came up with rationale for the plan along with a budget, timeline, and equipment needed for the lab to be successful within the district.
Click the photo to the right to view the Integration Plan.
Technology in Education
In the same class as the Technology Integration Plan, I created a digital kiosk using PowerPoint on the production of maple syrup. In my current teaching position, I teach students how to produce maple syrup and we make our own. This lesson is used with my students to go through the kiosk on their own and learn about some of the things that goes in to maple syrup production. This kiosk will allow students to work through the presentation on their own time and be able to pause when necessary and go back and forth throught the kiosk to answer questions that may arise.
Click the image to the right to view the kiosk
ISTE Standards 1A, 1C, 3A, 3B, 3D, 5C
Instructional Design
In the Instructional Design class, I worked in a group of 3 students and designed a lesson using Google Application for teachers. This lesson was geared towards k-12 teachers at Brushton-Moira Central School.
The main goals of the workshop was to introduce gmail, calendar, drive, and docs to teachers and show them way to implament them into their curriculum. Showing teacher's how to utilize these Google Applications will allow them to integrate more technology into their classroom. Teahcer's cna use these applications with their students for handing in and assigning assignemnts or projects. Teachers would be able to give feed back to sutdents and even be able to share lessons or plans between co-workers.
This class really helped when developing instructional materials for adult learner's. As a 7-12 technology teacher, teaching students is a little different than teaching adults. It is tough to get adult learner's to be engaged in a workshop, let alone get them to attend one. This class gave me insight into things that can be done to deliver a successful lesson for everyone and allow the teacher's to come away with something in the end.
Click the image to the right to view the Google Application lesson
ISTE Standards 1D, 2D, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3G, 5A
Research and Theory
For this project, I worked with one otehr student adn conducted a study on the afftectiveness of the Franklin County Maple Association. My partner and I visiteda total of 8 different "sugar shacks" adn interviewed local producers to gain data pertaining to advertisement, product, location, and if being a member of the FCMA was benificial to them. We found that the majority of producers surveyed, said that the FCMA was benificial to them as a member. This class was beneficial in teh fact that we were able to research a real life organization and analyize real survey data that allowed us to gain experience in teh research and development part of a buisness, or educational community.
Click the image to the right to view the research paper
ISTE Standards 4A. and 4C.